This page lists papers that have been published in the literature
concerning various aspects of the KMeD project. Where available,
the papers themselves may be viewable as WWW pages or downloadable as
Postscript or Acrobat PDF files. You can get a free Acrobat Reader from
- Chu, W. W., C. C. Hsu, A. F. Cárdenas, and
R. K. Taira.
Knowledge-based image retrieval with spatial and temporal
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 10(6): 872-888,
(postscript version)
- Chu, W. W., A. F. Cárdenas, and R. K. Taira.
KMeD: A knowledge-based multimedia medical distributed database system.
Information Systems, 20(2): 75-96, 1995.
(postscript version)
- Chu, W. W., I. T. Ieong, R. K. Taira.
A semantic modeling approach for image retrieval by content.
The VLDB Journal, 3(4):445-478, October 1994.
(pdf version)
- Chu, W. W., A. F. Cárdenas, R. K. Taira.
Knowledge-based image retrieval with spatial and temporal constraints.
Proceedings Tenth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems,
North Carolina, October 15-18, 1997.
- Taira, R. K., M. Rivera, V. Bhushan, H. M. Chan, and A. F. Cárdenas.
Design of a graphical user interface for an intelligent multimedia information system for
radiology research.
Proceedings of the SPIE: Medical Imaging PACS Design and Evaluation:
Engineering and Clinical Issues,
February 1995, pp. 24-35.
- Taira, R. K., W. W. Chu, A. F. Cárdenas.
Database aspects of interventional radiology.
Proceedings of the Interventional MRI 94 Conference,
Marina Del Rey, CA, August 13-14, 1994.
- Chu, W. W., A. F. Cárdenas, and
R. K. Taira. A knowledge-based multimedia medical
distributed database system - KMeD. Brochure, 1993.
- Taira, R. K., A. F. Cárdenas, and W. W. Chu.
Knowledge-based object-oriented database system for radiology research.
Radiology, 189(P): 163, 1993.
- Taira, R. K., A. F. Cárdenas, W. W. Chu, C. M. Breant, and T.
A knowledge-based multimedia database system for skeletal radiology.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Assisted Radiology,
Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
- Chu, W. W., A. F. Cárdenas, and
R. K. Taira. A knowledge-based multimedia medical
distributed database system - KMeD. In Wesley W. Chu, Alfonso
F. Cárdenas, and Ricky K. Taira, editors, AAAS Workshop
on Advances in Data Management for the Scientist and Engineer,
pages 2-7, Boston, Massachusetts, February 1993.
- Chu, W. W., C. C. Hsu, A. F. Cárdenas, and R. K. Taira.
Knowledge-based image retrieval with spatial and temporal constraints.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
Vol. 10, No. 6, November/December 1998, pp. 872-888.
- Dionisio, J. D. N., and A. F. Cárdenas.
A unified data model for representing multimedia, timeline and simulation data,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 746-767, September/October 1998.
(PDF version)
- Taira, R. K., A. F. Cardenas, W. W. Chu, C. M. Breant, J. D. N. Dionisio,
C. C. Hsu, and I. T. Ieong. An object-oriented data model for skeletal development.
Proceedings of the SPIE, February 1994.
- Chu, W. W., I. T. Ieong, R. K. Taira, and C. M. Breant.
A temporal evolutionary object-oriented data model and its query language
for medical image management. In Li-Yan Yuan, editor, Proceedings of
the 18th International Conference on Very Large Databases, pages
53-64, Vancouver, Canada, August 1992. Very Large Database Endowment,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
- Chu, W. W., I. T. Ieong, R. K. Taira, and C. M. Breant.
A temporal evolutionary object-oriented data model for medical image management.
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE 5th Symposium on Computer-Based Medical
Systems, Durham, North Carolina, June 1992.
- Dionisio, J. D. N., A. F. Cárdenas, R. B. Lufkin, A. DeSalles,
K. L. Black, R. K. Taira, and W. W. Chu.
A multimedia database systems for thermal ablation therapy of brain tumors.
Journal of Digital Imaging,, Vol. 10, No 1( February), pp. 21-26, 1997.
(postscript version)
- Dionisio, J. D. N., A. F. Cárdenas, R. K. Taira, et. al.
A unified timeline model and user interface for multimedia medical databases.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,
Vol. 20, No. 4, Elsevier Science, England, pp. 333-346, 1996.
(postscript version)
- Taira, R. K., C. M. Breant, F. M. Stepczyk, H. Kho, D. J. Valentino, G.
Tashima, and A. T. Materna.
CASE and object-oriented tools for rapid integration of HIS, RIS, and PACS.
Radiology, 189(P): 162, 1993.
- Cárdenas, A. F., R. K. Taira, W. W. Chu, and C. Breant.
Integration and interoperability of a multimedia medical distributed
database system. IEEE Data Engineering, 16(1): 43-47,
March 1993. (postscript version)
- Bui, A. A. T., D. R. Aberle, M. F. McNitt-Gray, A. F. Cárdenas,
and J. G. Goldin.
The evolution of an integrated timeline for oncology patient care.
J of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) Annual Proceedings, 1998:165-169.
- Aberle, D. R., A. A. T. Bui, M. F. McNitt-Gray, J. G. Goldin,
L. Greaser, A. F. Cardenas, K. Brown, D. Valentino,
User interface design for an integrated multimedia information system in oncology.
Proceedings, Abstracts 84th Radiological Society of North America Conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November 1997.
- Dionisio, J. D. N., and A. F. Cárdenas. MQuery: A
visual query language for multimedia, timeline and
simulation data. Journal of Visual Languages and
Computing, Vol. 7, Academic Press Ltd., pp.
377-401, 1996.
(postscript version)
(PDF version)
- Aberle, D. R., J. D. N. Dionisio, A. F. Cárdenas, et. al.
Integrated multimedia timeline of medical images and data for thoracic oncology patients.
Radiographics, Vol. 16, pp. 669-681, May 1996. (PDF Version)
- Cárdenas, A. F., I. T. Ieong, R. K. Taira, R. Barker,
and C. M. Breant.
The knowledge-based object-oriented PICQUERY+ language. IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 5(4): 644-657,
August 1993.
- Chu, W. W., C. C. Hsu, I. T. Ieong, R. K. Taira.
Content-based image retrieval using metadata and relaxation techniques,
chapter 6 in
Managing Multimedia Data, edited by Amit Sheth and Wolfgang Klas,
McGraw Hill, 1998.
(postscript version)
- Chu, W. W., K. Chiang, C. C. Hsu, H. Yao.
An error-based conceptual clustering method for providing approximate
query answers. Communication of ACM 1996
- Hsu, C. C., W. W. Chu, R. K. Taira. A knowledge-based approach for
retrieving images by content.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
August 1996. (postscript version)
- Taira, R. K. , A. F. Cárdenas, W. W. Chu, C. M. Breant,
J. D. N. Dionisio, C. C. Hsu, and I. T. Ieong.
An object-oriented data model for skeletal development.
Proceedings of the SPIE, February 1994.
- Chu, W. W., and Q. Chen. Neighborhood and associative
query answering. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems,
1(3/4): 355-382, 1992.
- Chu, W. W., Q. Chen, and R. Lee. Cooperative query
answering via type abstraction hierarchy. In S. M. Deen, editor,
Cooperating Knowledge-Based Systems, 1990. Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc., 1991.
- Liu, Z. Y., W. W. Chu, A. Huang, C. Folk, C. M. Ho.
Mining sequence patterns from wind tunnel experimental data for flight control.
Fifth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
Hong Kong. 2001.
- Chu, W. W, and S. H. Park.
Discovering and matching elastic rules from sequence databases.
Information Intelligent Systems, Fundementa Informaticae,
IOS Press, 2001.
- Minock, M. and W. W. Chu.
Explanation over inference hierarchies in active mediation applications.
Applied Intelligence: The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neutral Networks,
and Complex Problem-Solving Technologies,
Volume 13 No. 2. pp.101-112, September-October 2000.
- Chu, W. W., D. Johnson, and H. Kangarloo.
A medical digital library to support scenario and user-tailored
information retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine,
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2000.
- Cooper, L. G., and G. Giuffrida
Turning data mining into a management science tool: New algorithms and empirical results,
Journal of Management Science, 2000
(postscript version)
- Giuffrida, G., W. W. Chu, D. M. Hanssens.
NOAH: An algorithm for mining classification rules from datasets with large attribute space.
Proc. 12th Int'l Conf. on Extending Database (EDBT), Konstanz, Germany, March 2000.
- Goldman, J. A., W. W. Chu, D. S. Parker, and R. M. Goldman.
Term domain distribution analysis: a data mining tool for text databases.
Methods of Information in Medicine, 1999.
- Giuffrida, G., L. Cooper, and W. W. Chu.
A scalable bottom-up data mining algorithm for relational databases.
Tenth International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM),
Capri, Italy, 1998. (postscript version)
- Park, S. H., S. W. Kim, and W. W. Chu.
An index-based approach for similarity search supporting time warping in large sequence databases.
Proc. 17th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE),
Heidelberg, Germany, 2001.
- Park, S. H., W. W. Chu, J. H. Yoon, and C. C. Hsu.
Efficient searches for similar subsequences of different lengths in sequence databases.
The 16th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE2000),
San Diego, CA, February 2000.
(postscript version)
- Park, S. H., D. W. Lee, and W. W. Chu.
Fast retrieval of similar subsequences in long sequence databases.
The Third IEEE International Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop (KDEX'99),
Chicago, IL, November 1999.
(postscript version)
- Cárdenas, A. F.
Pictorial/visual access to multimedia/heterogeneous databases.
Data Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, Vol. 13, No. 2, June 1990,
pp. 22-27.
- Joseph, T., and A. F. Cárdenas.
PICQUERY: A high-level query language for pictorial database
management. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
14(5): 630-638, May 1988.
- Cárdenas, A. F. Heterogeneous distributed
database management: The HD-DBMS. Proceedings of the IEEE,
75(5): 588-600, May 1987.
Chock, M., A. F. Cárdenas, A. Klinger.
Data base structure and manipulation
capabilities of a picture data base management system (PICDMS).
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. PAMI-6, No. 4, July 1985, pp. 484-492.